A downloadable roleplaying game

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 “The Space War is Over” is a game about surviving the harsh beauty of space, building a spacecraft out of junk, making unlikely friends and healing from the costs of war.

In this seven-page roleplaying game, players take on the roles of Astronauts from two rival Star Fleets, stranded far from home in their wrecked battleship, who form a shaky truce to scavenge ship modules and assemble a craft that can take them home. The text of the game includes:

  • Character Readouts that lets each player make unique Astronaut PCs from different factions, species, ships and crew ranks, with their own unique backgrounds, talents and emotional baggage.
  •  Ship Module Diagrams that the players can combine to create  their own patchwork spacecraft.
  • GM-free mechanics for roleplaying scenes of rescue, sabotage, disaster, hostility,  intimacy, tension, and wonder as you drift between the stars and planets.
  • Allusions to Egyptian Mythology.

To play "The Space War is Over", you'll need 2-6 players, print-outs of the game pages and a full set of Polyhedral Dice.

"The Space War is Over" is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Share, use and adapt as you please while citing the original source!

Made for the Ad Astra Jam.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorAldo Salt
GenreRole Playing, Survival
TagsExploration, healing, peace, Romance, Sci-fi, Space, trauma, War


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

The Space War is Over_RPG.txt 9.5 kB
The Space War is Over_RPG v0.3 Character Readout.pdf 150 kB
The Space War is Over_RPG v0.4.pdf 430 kB

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